Furnace Maintenance

Reliable Furnace Maintenance in Bixby, OK

Living in a Tulsa suburb like Bixby, Oklahoma, means access to myriad family activities. You can let your kids run free at the Bentley Park Sports Complex, or enjoy an adventure with your friends at the Escape Hatch - but you must balance home improvement to-dos with your leisure fun.

Furnace maintenance in Bixby, OK, is among those all-important to-dos that can make or break your winter experience. ProThermal Heating and Cooling’s HVAC technicians can mark that task off your to-dos. 

furnace being repaired Broken Arrow, OK

What Does Furnace Maintenance Involve?

Comprehensive System Evaluation

We kick off every furnace prep service with a complete evaluation of the air handler, outdoor unit, and the internal components they house. They will also explore your ductwork to ensure the materials look clean and in good shape. Our evaluation shows us exactly what we should focus on during your service. 

Cleaning and Filter Replacement

Furnace maintenance in isn’t just tinkering with various parts, but keeping everything clean as air circulation kicks up and transports dust and allergens throughout your home. Some of those particles coat system components and ductwork interiors while others land on the units, limiting airflow. Still, some debris makes its way back into your home. 

Your technicians clean internal and external components, change the air filter, and limit excess dust in other areas, improving your air quality as a result. 

Lubrication and Adjustments

Furnaces house numerous moving components that can wear out without proper attention. A comprehensive tune-up should address:

  • Parts that became too loose
  • Pieces that tightened up too much
  • Excessive friction from lack of lubrication

Your technician will examine and care for these moving parts. 

Thermostat Calibration

Few Bixby residents think long and hard about how their thermostats are doing, but we do! The temperature sensors can sometimes get knocked out of whack by daily life. We ensure they correctly measure and accurately communicate. 

Why Should You Work With Us?

We prioritize customer satisfaction. But what does customer satisfaction involve? 

  • Comprehensive, convenient services: You can turn to us for all your HVAC needs, from air quality solutions to basic repairs. 
  • Round-the-clock availability: Call us anytime! We offer emergency assistance. 
  • Carefully vetted technicians: Our technicians go through rigorous background checks before we hire them. 
  • Transparency: Our team is straightforward about the service scope, pricing, and potential benefits. 
  • Warrantied services: We wrap each service in a protective warranty because we stand by our quality. 

Choose us for furnace efficiency services that make your Bixby home or business more comfortable throughout each winter. 

furnace heater

Furnace Maintenance Benefits

HVAC maintenance plans can help you save money and reap additional benefits beyond the twice-annual tune-up appointments.

Our ProThermal Plus Maintenance Membership includes priority service scheduling and a 15 percent discount on repair services and refrigerant top-offs. 


Become One of ProThermal’s Satisfied Customers

Prioritize furnace maintenance for more comfortable, predictable winters. Call us at (918) 807-8364 to schedule furnace maintenance in Bixby, OK today!